Friday, June 29, 2007

PHP tips

I thought the timing of this article was quite timely in that we are discussing PHP in class today.
It seems straight forward enough and most helpful for anyone doing this sort of work either for a career or as a side job. Unitl I become somewhat comfortable with html and Java, I will store these tips for a later date.

Every database driven Web site uses alternating row colors when displaying a list of records, a concept used all over the Internet. You've seen it used, you like it, and now you want to do it yourself. But you're not sure how to accomplish it. Well you've come to the right place. I'm going to discuss the basic idea behind achieving this and give some concrete examples demonstrating different ways to implement it.

Ebay to present at the SOA conference

I thought this artcile was particularly interesting in that my company is also moving in the direction of SOA. We have formaly created an Enterprise Architecture organization to advance our technology. Our internet is using the .NET platform for our internet and intranet and the focus is to move in the SOA/AJAX direction.
I am going to recommend this conference to several of our leaders within our IT organization to ensure they are aware of the specifics of presentation (best practices, challenges, etc.)

Article on Javascript Animation

To make an animation on your computer, we want to move an image in a similar way, but you do not have "frames" to work with. Instead, we have milliseconds in which we can execute commands. We can change what's on the screen every millisecond in order to create the appearance of motion. We don't have to change the screen nearly that fast, though. The human eye can only register motion at a rate of approximately 24 frames per second. Faster than that, and the brain just doesn't recognize the difference. For the ease of calculation, then, it's simple to consider an optimum image change rate or 25 frames/1000 milliseconds. That's the same as saying 1/40, or 1"frame" change every 40 milliseconds.

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