Friday, July 20, 2007

Many Users Cling To Windows XP In The Face Of Vista Problems

It is interesting to see that MS ususally comes full circle when they rollout a new OS. This happended when they went from 95-98 and 98-XP, etc. I work for a very large company that runs Microsoft as its standard desktop and we are prudently waiting for Vista to make its way into the mainstream over the next year and provide enough time for the vendors to catch up and make their equipment compatible. I have been using my home desktop with XP for seven years and do not plan on upgrading anytime soon unless forced.

According to the article, 96% of peripheral devises (mice, keyboards, etc) are compatibal with Vista as are 2000 applications. If you are interested, read more at

Monday, July 16, 2007

Working in IT is a challenge, more or less

I read this article about the challenges IT workers face with the constant change in technology and how it impacts our work and outlook. We are constantly looking for challenging work to keep our motivation and skills at the highest levels. The article, By John Soat InformationWeek July 14, 2007 12:00 AM (From the July 16, 2007 issue) compares IT work to lawyers, engineers and doctors where they are constantly learning new skills or methods but the underlying foundation is still the same. IT, on the other hand seems to reinvent itself everyday and you must hone your skills to remain sharp.

I thought it was interesting to see the survey results troubling IT prtofessionals around their satisfaction about their job and an astonding number of CEOs, VP, etc are unhappy with their jobs. Always trying to do more with less resources and expected to realize costs savings immediately even though their business counterparts are not focusing on the technology and business changes, etc.

I manage production support and new projects with a staff of four and support 15 customers and are challenged everyday to improve system fucntionality and processes to reduce their costs of IT but not on the business side. Go figure!

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